3 Possible Reasons for Your Home’s Poor Airflow in New Orleans, LA
Poor airflow is at the root of several HVAC problems. If there’s subpar airflow in your home in New Orleans, LA, your indoor air quality may suffer, your energy bills may go up, and your HVAC system will be less efficient overall. Since it’s so important to know what’s behind poor airflow at home, here are three possible causes of this problem.
1. Dirty Filters
Perhaps the most frequent cause of low airflow is the accumulation of dirt and other debris in the mesh of your HVAC system’s air filters. Fortunately, you can prevent this problem by remembering to replace your filters once every three months.
2. Leaky or Dirty Ducts
Filth can gather in your ductwork just as it can gather in the mesh of your system’s air filters. When it does, it typically has the same effect: diminished airflow and lower indoor air quality.
The other major ductwork issue to contend with is leakage. Damage through abrasion and other means can create holes in your ducts — even tiny ones — through which air can leak out. This will directly decrease airflow and indirectly harm system efficiency because treated air that doesn’t get into your home can’t affect its temperature.
To fix these issues, you’ll need professionals to clean, seal, and insulate your ducts. Alternatively, you might decide to go ductless to avoid these problems altogether.
3. Improper Sizing
Lastly, your home’s airflow problems may have a deeper explanation. Perhaps the installation team for your old HVAC system never properly matched it to your home in the first place. If your system is too small, then airflow will be weak by default, and if the system is too large, it may start short cycling, which may result in poor airflow later.
To handle this, you’ll need a new team to reinstall your HVAC system. This time, the installers will have to perform a manual J-load calculation to get the size right.
Airflow is an essential issue that all New Orleans, LA, homeowners need to stay on top of. For help, call Vallee Air Conditioning and Heating and schedule HVAC service.
Image provided by iStock
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